Warith Al-Anbiyaa and Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain Co-operation: Free Meals and Grocery Baskets

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Provides Free Meals and Grocery Baskets in Collaboration with the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain

In collaboration with its parent organization, the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain, Warith Al-Anbiyaa University provides free meals and grocery baskets to its lower-tier staff, most of whom are from the Facilities and Security Departments. The university provides almost 2,400 meals annually to its staff, and during the month of Ramadan alone, it provided 58 meals per day to workers on different shifts. In addition, Warith Al-Anbiyaa University distributed a month's worth of groceries to its staff during Ramadan, these provisions encompass a range of items, including rice, pasta, eggs, flour, spices, and other essential groceries, with the intention of promoting sustainable living practices and reducing waste.

The meals provided by the university come from the kitchen of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain, which is the largest charity organization in Iraq and provides free meals daily.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Organic Waste: Food


The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is dedicated to supporting its students by offering subsidized housing options right in the heart of the city. Priority is given to orphans and students facing financial hardships, who might otherwise struggle to secure costly accommodations in the urban area. As a non-profit organization, the university strives to keep housing costs exceptionally low, with no intention of generating profits from this service. Instead, the university subsidizes these expenses from its resources. To enhance the living experience, the university has entered into a partnership with a reputable third-party service provider located in the bustling city center, which boasts numerous shops and is a favorite among tourists.

The university's housing facilities come with a range of amenities and conveniences:

Prime City-Center Location: The housing is situated in the city center, surrounded by several markets, all within convenient walking distance.

Complimentary Transportation: Students benefit from free transportation to and from the university, with multiple timings available to accommodate their schedules.

Suite Options: The University offers a variety of room configurations, including one, two, and three-seater rooms, to cater to the diverse needs of its student body.

Free Laundry Facilities: Students have access to a free laundry area, making it convenient to manage their clothing and linens.

24-Hour Cooling/Heating System: The housing is equipped with a state-of-the-art cooling/heating system provided 24 hours, ensuring a comfortable environment at all times.

Fully Equipped Kitchen: A fully stocked kitchen is at the student's disposal, allowing them to prepare their meals and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the kitchen area is very big, and it can be used by several students at one time, it contains several stoves, burners, ovens,  microwaves, dishwashing sinks, to cater the need and cooking requirement of every individual. It also contains racks and cupboards, where students can stack their daily use items and utensils.

Common Rooms and Study Lounges: Common areas and lounges are provided to facilitate study sessions and social interaction, creating a vibrant and supportive community atmosphere.

Cafeteria and Tuck Shop: For added convenience, the housing complex features an on-site cafeteria and tuck shop, eliminating the need for students to venture far for their dining needs.

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's commitment to providing affordable, well-appointed housing in a central location, alongside these added perks, contributes to a fulfilling and enriching student experience.



جامعة وارث الأنبياء ملتزمة بدعم طلابها من خلال تأمين خيارات سكن  مدعوم في قلب المدينة. تُعطى الأفضلية للأيتام والطلاب الذين لديهم صعوبات مالية، والذين قد يجدون صعوبة في الحصول على إقامة مكلفة في المنطقة الحضرية. بصفتها منظمة غير ربحية، تسعى الجامعة جاهدة للحفاظ على تكاليف سكن منخفضة للغاية، دون أي نيّة لتحقيق أرباح من هذه الخدمة. بدلاً من ذلك، تقوم الجامعة بدعم هذه التكاليف من مواردها. ولتعزيز تجربة السّكن، دخلت الجامعة في شراكة مع مزود خدمة من طرف ثالث ذو سمعة طيبة يقع في وسط المدينة النابض بالحياة، والذي يضم العديد من المتاجر ويعد وجهة مفضلة بين السياح.

تأتي مرافق السكن في الجامعة مع مجموعة متنوعة من وسائل الراحة:

موقع مميز في وسط المدينة: السكن موجود في وسط المدينة، محاط بالعديد من الأسواق، وكلها في مسافة مشي مريحة.

وسائل نقل مجانية: يستفيد الطلاب من وسائل نقل مجانية من وإلى الجامعة، مع توافر عدّة جداول زمنية لتلبية جداولهم.

خيارات الأجنحة: تقدم الجامعة مجموعة متنوعة من تكوينات الغرف، بما في ذلك غرف لشخص واحد، واثنين، وثلاثة أشخاص، لتلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة للطلاب.

مرافق غسيل مجانية: يتاح للطلاب الوصول إلى منطقة غسيل مجانية، مما يجعل إدارة ملابسهم ومفارشهم أمرًا مريحًا.

نظام تبريد/تدفئة على مدار الساعة: مجهز السكن بنظام تبريد/تدفئة على مدار الساعة يضمن بيئة مريحة في جميع الأوقات.

مطبخ مجهز بالكامل: يتاح للطلاب مطبخ مجهز بالكامل، مما يتيح لهم تحضير وجباتهم والحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي، حيث يتسع المطبخ لعدة طلاب في وقت واحد ويضم العديد من المواقد والأفران وأجهزة الميكروويف وأحواض غسل الأطباق، لتلبية احتياجات ومتطلبات الطهي لكل فرد. يتضمن أيضًا رفوف وخزائن يمكن للطلاب تخزين أغراضهم اليومية وأدواتهم فيها.

غرف مشتركة وصالات للدراسة: يتم توفير مناطق مشتركة وصالات للدراسة لتسهيل جلسات الدراسة والتفاعل الاجتماعي، مما يخلق أجواء مجتمعية نابضة بالحياة ومشجعة. 

كافتيريا ومتجر صغير: لراحة إضافية، يتميز المجمع السكني بكافتيريا ومتجر صغير في الموقع، مما يزيل الحاجة للطلاب للبحث عن وجباتهم بعيدًا.

التزام جامعة وارث الأنبياء بتوفير سكن بأسعار معقولة ومجهز بشكل جيد في موقع مركزي، جنبًا إلى جنب مع هذه المزايا الإضافية، يسهم في توفير تجربة طلابية مثمرة ومثرية.



University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's Philanthropic Student Team Extends a Helping Hand During Ramadan

In a heartwarming gesture of compassion and generosity, the Student Giving Team from the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa has embarked on a mission to support underprivileged families in the holy city of Karbala during the sacred month of Ramadan. Their remarkable initiative, known as the "Warith Food Basket," involves distributing essential food items to those in need.

One particularly meaningful aspect of this endeavor is the team's visit to a local orphanage. Here, they presented the Ramadan food baskets to the orphans, symbolizing the spirit of care and community that is synonymous with the holy month. This act of kindness not only provides nourishment to those less fortunate but also brings smiles and hope to the faces of the children.

Through their actions, the students exemplify the values of empathy and solidarity, embodying the essence of Ramadan. This charitable effort aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainability and social responsibility, illustrating how universities can play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of giving and support within their communities

Sustainable Humanitarian Impact: University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's Student Volunteer Team Distributes Over 150 Food Packets in Slum Communities

In a profound demonstration of sustainable humanitarian efforts, the Student Volunteer Team from the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is making significant strides in addressing poverty and hunger. For the fifth consecutive year, they have undertaken the compassionate mission of distributing over 150 sustainably sourced food packets to families residing in marginalized slum communities.

1. SDG 1 - No Poverty: By strategically targeting slum areas, the volunteer team's initiative directly addresses SDG 1. These thoughtfully assembled food packets offer immediate relief to economically vulnerable families, contributing to a reduction in poverty levels within these communities.

2. SDG 2 - Zero Hunger: The distribution of sustainably sourced food packets aligns perfectly with SDG 2, ensuring that families facing food insecurity gain access to nutritious meals. This sustainable approach to tackling hunger emphasizes the importance of long-term solutions.


This initiative exemplifies the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's commitment to sustainable development. Beyond providing immediate aid, it paves the way for lasting positive change in the lives of those living in slum areas. Through their compassionate actions, the student volunteers not only combat poverty and hunger but also champion sustainability, fostering a brighter and more secure future for vulnerable communities.